Learn About Obsidian Ridge Law


In the vast landscape of legal services, Obsidian Ridge Law emerged from a profound desire to offer more than just expertise. Our mission was born from witnessing the complexities and vulnerabilities that families, veterans, and businesses face in Arizona. Recognizing the need for a holistic approach to estate planning, we embarked on a journey to provide a seamless, professional, and compassionate experience. Today, as a beacon of trust and expertise in Arizona, we stand committed to ensuring peace of mind and protection for all our clients.


Kara, the heart and soul of Obsidian Ridge Law, is not just another estate planning lawyer in Arizona. With years of experience as a prosecutor and firm owner, she brings a unique blend of legal acumen and personal touch to the table. Her transition from the courtroom to estate planning was fueled by a desire to be more present for her family and to extend that sense of security and preparedness to others.

As a wife, mother of two rambunctious boys, and a female business owner, Kara understands the nuances and flexibilities that many clients seek. Her personal journey, enriched by experiences with her Marine Veteran husband and their delightful pets, adds depth to her professional approach. With Kara, you're not just getting an attorney; you're gaining a partner in planning, someone who genuinely cares and understands.

Kara Noble, an Estate Planning Lawyer in AZ.



Schedule a consultation with Obsidian Ridge Law today. Experience the difference of personalized, expert advice from the leading estate planning lawyer in Arizona.